Get Involved –
Volunteer Opportunities
There are several ways to get involved with the Fayette Prevention Coalition. Our goal is to be accessible to the entire Fayette County Community and work together to impact the drug epidemic in our county.
- You are welcome to attend our monthly meeting held on the 4th Tuesday of every month.
- You can join one of our committees across the continuum of care.
- You can volunteer at one of our events or trainings. Such as Project: Adventure, the Walk for Hope or Save a Life Day. As volunteer opportunities become available, they will be posted here.
- Teens interested in getting involved are encouraged to attend a coalition meeting, and take part in Teen Court and the Youth Action Team. Youth volunteers can use their time in these committees as community service hours for resumes, transcripts, and towards graduation.
All are welcome to join the Fayette County Family Resource Network (FRN). There are many ways to help the children and families in our area.
- Attending our monthly community meetings held on the 4th Thursday of every month.
- Joining our weekly update emails. These updates provide meeting information, upcoming trainings, new or updated resources, and grant opportunities. To join this weekly update, send your name and email address to fayettefrn@gmail.com.
Financial donations can be in the form of a check, made payable to Fayette Family Resource Network. In the memo line, please indicate which program or event your donation should be put towards.
Mail Checks to:
Fayette County Family Resource Network
PO Box 1007
Oak Hill, WV 25901