Youth Action Team

The Youth Action Team is focused on empowering teens to make healthy choices and positively affect their peers, schools and community. The youth action team is open to any Fayette County youth in 7th – 12th grade.

Substance Free Activities

The Youth Action Team plans and promotes activities in Fayette County that are drug free. In March 2024 we held a free theater night and enjoyed ice cream before a musical at the local Historic Fayette Theater. In April 2024 we offered a free outdoor cooking class at the Hawks Nest State Park in Ansted.

Community Service

The Youth Action Team cares for our community. In the last two years, we have donated to the animal shelter, cleaned up pounds of cigarette litter for Take Down Tobacco day and painted with our friends at New Roots Farms. Most recently we hosted an Earth Day Clean Up and picked up trash at the disc golf course next to Fayetteville PK8.


We are members of the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America. Each year we take 2 students to their Leadership Training Forum in Washington, D.C. This year we met with our state representatives to advocate for prevention efforts. We are also working on bringing Teen Mental Health First Aid training to Fayette County.

Contact Information
