Legal Assistance
Bureau of Child Support Enforcement
The West Virginia Bureau for Child Support Enforcement establishes paternity and child support, and enforces support from a child’s parent. We also enforce court orders for spousal support, known as alimony.
Phone: 800-249-3778
Email: DHHRBCSEKanawha@wv.gov
Family Court
Family court judges hear cases involving divorce; annulment; separate maintenance; paternity; grandparent visitation; issues involving allocation of parental responsibility; and family support proceedings, except those incidental to child abuse and neglect proceedings. Family court judges also hold final hearings in domestic violence civil proceedings.
Phone: 304-574-3393
Fayette County Public Defender
Represents defendants who cannot afford an attorney. The Public Defender Office provides legal representation to individuals facing incarceration without the financial means to hire their own lawyer.
Phone: 304-574-2583
Human Rights Commission
The Human Rights Commission ensures that the WV Human Rights Act and the WV Fair Housing Act are being followed. The WV Human Rights Act protects against discrimination based on Race, Sex, Age, Color, Religion, National Origin, Ancestry and Disability. The WV Fair Housing Act protects against discrimination based on Race, Sex, Color, Religion, Disability, National Origin, Ancestry, and Familial Status.
Phone: 304-558-2616
Legal Aid of WV
With over 100 full-time staff in 12 offices, Legal Aid of West Virginia is the state’s primary provider of civil legal aid and advocacy services. Our mission is to ensure that the most vulnerable among us – low-income families, seniors, victims of domestic violence, the disabled – have an equal shot at justice, in the courtroom and in their communities.
Phone: 304-255-0561
Mountain State Justice
Mountain State Justice provides aggressive legal advocacy on behalf of low-income West Virginians to ensure access to the civil justice system for the vindication and protection of their rights.
Phone: 304-344-3144